Most people have heard of the Bucket List, a list of things you want to have achieved before you die. Well there's mine on the right side of the screen. I thought this blog would be a fun way to document each item as I accomplish it, and hear others opinion's on my Bucket List items. If anyone ever finds my little blog, feel free to leave comments, I'd love to hear from you. It would amaze me to have people decided to follow it!

Sunday 5 August 2012

122. Learn To Walk In High Heels

After buying my beautiful dress for graduation I knew the next thing to do was buy some fancy shoes.  Since my date was 6.3'' I quickly decided I was going to be wear heels.  It's not that I've never wore heels before, just that these four inch heels are easily the highest I've ever owned. I was unsure of my new shoes when I first tried them on at the store; I imagined one clumsy step resulting in me falling on my face, but I bought them anyways.  Soon after bring them home I added bucket list item 122 to the list, and began practicing.

I started by googling how to walk in high heels, and learned the technique of going heel then toe.  They recommended going gradually through the different heal heights and styles before going to the four inch pump, but I didn't have the shoes, or the time for that.  I began where the heels whenever I was at home.  I'd wear them while studying, cooking, or even watching T.V.  Once when hanging out with one of my friends we had a high heel wearing contest to see who could where their pumps the longest...I won!

Wearing heels to graduation was extremely fun!  It made the occasion feel even more special, because it was the first time I had wore my new shoes out of the house.  I found walking in heels on grass was difficult, because the heels would slip through the dirt; I ended up aerating the grass.  I'm happy to say I never fell once, though my feet did get sore from all the standing, and walking.  Now I'll have to find more excuses to wear my high heels!


  1. Ooh high heels. I hate them, but find it hard to pull off a dressy look without them!

    1. Very true, I'd love them if my feet didn't get sore.
